Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Unit 2 Blog Day 6

special right triangles

45-45-90 are special right triangles.

on a 45-45-90 triangle the two legs are always the same. That means they are both X. To find the length of the hypotenuse  you multiply the square root of two times x. So, you end up with X square roots of two.

30-60-90 triangles

The short leg is X and the hypotenuse is 2X and to find the long leg you would have X time the square root of three.


  1. if x equals 5 then what is the hypotenuse
  2. do the same on the 30-60-90
  3. if the hypotenuse is 22 then what is the short leg on the 30-60-90

X times the square root of two would be 5 square roots of 2
x times 2 is 10
22 divided by 2 would make X 11

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